Training sessions center around Shinkyokushinkai Karate where club members learn competitive, world-class martial arts. Nearly every session includes learning highly effective offensive and defensive fighting techniques, sparring with multiple partners and has elements from gymnastics, calisthenics, Olympic powerlifting as well as track and field to help children and adults reach elite levels of fitness.
All club members are trained to be universally strong, flexible, agile and skilled. All club members are expected to pass fitness and skill examinations and progress gradually to meet the global Shinkyokushinkai Karate standards. All training sessions are in groups of up to 30 people where members are of similar age.
Training Gear
Sports Club HAKI helps all its members acquire special training gear that is required for Shinkyokushinkai Karate training and international competitions.
This includes:
• Karate Uniform (Dogi);
• Shinkyokushinkai belt (Obi);
• Punching gloves;
• Shin protectors;
• Chest protector (for athletes under 16 years old);
• Protective head piece.
All newcomers train with beginners. No need for a special unifrom or gear, train comfortably with your usual sports attire!
Kensington Aldridge Academy